• 888-410-2417
  • info@bishopbloomer.com
  • PO Box 3867 Durham, NC 27702

Best-selling author, pastor, renowned speaker, and entrepreneur, Bishop George G. Bloomer began fulfilling destiny’s call as a teen while ministering from his native home of Brooklyn, New York. After traveling throughout the country and abroad, Bishop Bloomer founded and began serving as pastor of Bethel Family Worship Center in Durham, North Carolina. Bethel Family Worship Center is a multi-cultural ministry which seeks to “reach the heart to save the soul.” Bishop Bloomer built the ministry on the premise of “pastoring whoever walks through the church doors and impacting their lives for the few hours in which I have them in my presence in order to provoke a positive change.” Years later, the ministry continues to enjoy ministerial success. To his credit, Bishop Bloomer has been named by Upscale Magazine as one of the nation’s leading ministers to watch in the twenty-first century; been featured on CNN’s “Faces of Faith,” in Charisma Magazine as “The Man with the Plan,” and in Jet Magazine, to name a few.

Bishop Bloomer is also the founder of George Bloomer Ministries where he travels internationally delivering life-altering messages to equip the masses for personal growth and spiritual fulfillment. One of his most prominent bestsellers, Witchcraft in the Pews sold over a million copies and remains a favorite amongst avid readers. Other popular favorite reads written by Bishop Bloomer include, Looking for Love; Love, Dating & Marriage; Authority Abusers, and many more. Another one of his most notable achievement is one of the voices on the 2006 version of The Bible Experience (the Bible on CD featuring nearly 200 distinguished Hollywood actors and actresses).He has appeared regularly on TBN, 700 Club, Radio One, and numerous media outlets lending spiritual counsel as well as advice on relationships and personal development. As an entrepreneur, Bishop Bloomer has founded Blooming House Publishers, Blooming Records and other for profit businesses. Bishop Bloomer resides with his family in Durham, North Carolina.



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